Sunday, February 28, 2010 cherished by the wisest men.

My name is Bret and I'm overly critical. This has been expressed to me over and over again my entire life. I used to argue it and tell myself everyone else was just jealous of my "intelligence," but now I've grown to accept it. I strive for perfection in every single thing I see (sad, because my own work is messy and never even close). I'm opinionated. I'm critical. I guess this makes me a bitch and I like that.

My friends Amber and Bethany started blogs about their new domesticated/married lives and as happy as I am for them, I'm so happy I'm not blogging about those issues. I plan on just doing cute updates about what I'm watching, reading, what pisses me off, or random things I'm thinking. I'll try to remain positive and not turn this into a vehicle for venting.

Life in New York is like that. Lots of time for thinking. Despite the "city that never sleeps" and "fast-paced city life" cliches. Things here can be very slow, quiet, and lonely. Lots of fun things to post about. Lots of fun things to "really?" about. I look forward to the ride.